Some election campaign reading

I’ve been pretty busy, on the weekend I hope to find time for some more posts, in particular soon the candidates will be declared and I can do part 2 of my Be an Informed Voter post, in the meantime I’ll just link to some recommended reading:

John Quiggin in not impressed by the campaign, he calls it a race to the bottom.

James Arvanitakis is also not impressed – “This campaign is enough to turn off even political junkies

More (following up my previous post) on economic credibility at LP – Mr Denmore on the Debt Delusion.

Possum at Crikey on why you can’t trust the Australian newspaper.

Tim Dunlop on the Politics-Media death spiral.

Harry Minas on unnecessary national panic.

Antony Green has linked to his Senate analysis page at the ABC (though note that the full details won’t be available until candidates are declared – the deadline for that is today, they will be publicly available tomorrow afternoon), and he also has a useful Q&A page.

Also check out and contribute if you can.

I’ll also mention that I support Penny Wright for the Senate in SA, and Ruth Beach for Adelaide.

and for those tired of politics, you can go and read about bike hate in Sydney instead.